
We All Need Help To Improve on Certain Area of Life

We at Phurda, go further in helping people improve their health by promoting good and healthy lifestyles. We disseminate beneficial health , wellness and nutritional information with emphasis on prevention against illnesses and slowing down the progression of existing illness


We are indeed grateful for the time you have spent with us. We are very glad to inform you that we enjoyed your lecture to the highest degree and we benefited a lot from it
Mr Afolayan W.A
Head Teacher(ECWA School, Omu-Aran)

Topics We Discuss


Family Happiness

Many families today are not happy leading to increase in Divorce rate. What is the secret to family happiness?



Family problems begins, when you are married to wrong person. How can you avoid the pitfall?


Self Improvement

Do you have some specific area in your life that you would like to improve? We provide a step by step methods that helps people make positive changes in their lives


Life Skills

Understanding life will help you live a quality life. Learn life important skills that place you on top

Main Services


Training on Health Preserving Concept

learn how to use your foods to improve your health


Training on Relationship and Family Happiness

Learn the secret of Family happiness and enjoying good relationships