Wants To Improve Your Health ... Phurda

We Teach Health Preserving Concept and Provide Answers To Your Wellness Questions


New Book! 10 Home Remedies For Low Back Pain

Discover fast methods to relieve low back pain

In this book, you will learn how to handle back pain problems without spending money on medications

Wellness & Nutrition Articles

Promotions of good health and healthy lifestyles

Falling in love is a good thing, but only when you fall in love with the right person.

How to Tell if Someone is Scamming You Online

Scammers are everywhere.  To save yourself from being scammed, you need to know the signs that you are talking to a scammer online and how to spot a romance scammer.


The entire staff of the GCC wish to express our appreciation for taking time to come to our school fo the health talk and seminar. we want to say we really enjoyed the talk and the teaching. We pray that God will grant you save journey back to your destination
Head Teacher
Government Christian College, Kwara State